Data Management Plans (DMP) are a fundamental part of research documentation and increasingly required by funding agencies. A good DMP will help researchers plan for the sustainability of their data and ensure it is FAIR. Although the major part of the DMP is done at the start of any research, this is a live document that will need updating as the project progresses.

Basics of Research Data Management
Basics of data aspects covered by DMPs
Source: OpenAIRE
LEVEL: Basic

Data Management Planning
Describes the basic elements and requirements of a DMP
Source: PARTHENOS Training Suite
LEVEL: Basic

Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management
How to organise research data and preserve it appropriately
Source: Science Europe
LEVEL: Intermediate

Data Management Tools for Archaeologists
Source: DANS Data Trail

ARIADNEplus Data Management Plan Tools
Source: ARIADNEplus